But God sent Me Ahead of You to Preserve for You

But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So, it was not you who sent me here, but God (Genesis 45:7,8a NIV).

The best thing to note about the outworking of circumstances in your life is that God works it out. And human beings are just instruments to bring God’s best into your life.

Sometimes they act in very bad ways to you. Sometimes they wish to do you evil. But as a child of God, you need to know, that all of them are acting to bring God’s purposes to pass in your life.

You also need to know that God acts ahead of your thinking. He sometimes causes people to push you out. That sometimes creates much difficulties for you.

Then God causes you to grow and build, away from their influence. He thus keeps you a step ahead of whatever is happening around you. In other words, He causes circumstances to serve you and your cause.

Another thing to note is that there would come times when God reveals his purposes. In Joseph’s case, he now understood that God had sent him ahead to save lives by a great deliverance.

To do so, God had to take Joseph through some rough times, through prison and through times of being forgotten by people whom he thought would help. But now he saw the purpose of it all.

And Joseph now gets renewed strength to carry out God’s purpose. He starts to act quickly. It would not be exaggeration to say that Joseph might never had dreamed that God had such a great purpose in making him governor of the land till that moment.

But that moment brought it to light. Such moments are to come in your life too. Then you’ll fully realize the meaning of, “But God sent me ahead!”

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