Record of Sins, Forgiveness

If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared (Psalm 130:3, 4 NIV).

Forgiveness of sins is the bridge that God builds. It opens the way for you to get near God. There is no other way. So look to God. Cry out for His mercy. For you cannot earn His forgiveness. But, it is given to you.

If God did not forgive sins, no one could stand in His presence. For He is a Holy God. And He cannot tolerate sin. And everyone of us is sinful. Even from birth. So, God Himself is providing forgiveness. Without that no one can survive.

Have you not experienced the forgiveness of God? If you cannot remember, think of how many times you have sinned against God. Have you tried to forget it? Have you tried to cover it up? Have you tried to wish it away?

Yet, there will come a time when God will cause it to come back to memory. Therefore, seek God’s forgiveness now. It is available when you cry out for His mercy.

When God forgives, remember, that it costs Him much to forgive you. Forgiveness is not cheap. It comes at a huge price. The only difference is that God is paying so that you enjoy forgiveness freely.

When forgiveness comes, many people forget the fact that it cost God much to forgive. Therefore they treat forgiveness in a light-hearted manner. That attitude is wrong.

Instead of such an attitude, forgiveness should inspire you to fear God. You need to think on His mercy. You need to know that He is wiping away the records of sins against you. He is enabling you to stand before Him without fear. Therefor fear Him.

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