This is the list of David’s mighty men (1 Chronicles 11:11)
What was the reason some of the finest men were attracted to David the king? We know that David came not from a royal line; he was simply a shepherd boy. But he had great confidence in his God.
This was seen when he faced Goliath even as a young lad. More than that, mighty men were attracted to David, because they saw that the LORD Almighty was with David (see verse 10).
If God has called you to be a leader, you need a team of people with you to make things happen. You also need the charisma to attract people to you. This magnetic force does not exactly depend on good looks.
For a Christian leader, the greater reality should be the presence of the Lord with him. If that is found to be true, then people will rally to him.
Now let us look at some of the qualities of the people David attracted to be with him:
First of all, they were brave. They had the capability of changing the course of a battle single-handedly. Some of them definitely carved great victories by their courageous fighting. Through them, “the LORD brought about a great victory.”
So, if you are a Christian leader, pray for a team comprised of courageous men through whom the Lord can give you great victories.
Again, these people were loyal. Some of them risked their lives to get David water from the well of Bethlehem when it was surrounded by Philistine armies. These people were ready to get done even the smallest desire of their leader. If people find you loyal to your God, they will consider it a privilege to be found loyal to you.
Finally, let us just think why God has recorded the list of David’s mighty men in the Bible? It is to emphasize the fact that David was able to accomplish much because he had a team of courageous and loyal people with him.
So also, great work for God today can be accomplished if such teams rally around a leader who is found to be a man after God’s own heart.
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