One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor (Exodus 2:11 NIV).
Growing up is an experience that all look forward to. Parents expect their children to grow up and behave like grown-ups.
Meanwhile children imitate their parents and act like grown-ups. Soon they know they will really become one and they long to enjoy the freedom and independence it brings.
Moses too grew up. But his growth was not a fully rounded one. His growth was only on the intellectual, social and physical side. The Bible testifies to this fact. In the speech of Stephen it is recorded: “Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and he was powerful in speech and action” (Acts 7:22 NIV).
But his growth did not have a spiritual side to it. Therefore he acted the way he did when he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.
The point to be noted is that God, your Heavenly Father, expects you to grow spiritually. Moses had to spent another forty years before He was prepared to have an encounter with the living God.
If this kind of growth does not happen you will act in ways that are not according to God’s plan.
Here Moses is trying to be the savior of his people in a wrong way because he had no spiritual growth. He thought that by killing the Egyptian he could save God’s people.
Now there are two things that are wrong with that plan. First of all he underestimated the problem. He should have known better that rescuing six hundred thousand men and their families needed a much stronger arm than his.
Again, he never sought God’s will about this. God wanted to gain glory for Himself through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and horsemen (Ref. Exodus 14:17, 18). God wanted the Egyptians to know that He is the Lord through this mighty act of deliverance!
This plan of God Moses totally missed the first time because he had no spiritual growth. At the same time he also missed the fact that God would always call and commission His servants for the task that He has prepared for them to do.
These mistakes happened to Moses because he did not grow spiritually. May God give you grace and wisdom to understand this so that you’ll not repeat these mistakes.
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