The Lord’s Unfailing Love Surrounds

Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him (Psalm 32:10 NIV).

Surrounded! The best experience you might have of this is when you use the “surround” option in your music system or television. You relax and enjoy the music that seems to flow and vibrate and resound everywhere and seem to reach you from all directions all at once. You are surrounded by the music.

This effected is created when you switch on that option of surround sound. Likewise in our walk of faith, we have the choice to switch on an option: an option to trust in the Lord. As we do so we are surrounded by the love of God.

Actually it is not simply love; but unfailing love! Why should it be mentioned that God’s unfailing love surrounds us when we trust in Him?

It is simply because quite often we think that God has forgotten us. We are sometimes perplexed by our circumstances and do not understand the way forward. We may also find a lot of things going against our expectations.

Sometimes we think that the wicked have no woes. In the midst of all this confusion let us call to our mind that it is God’s unfailing love that surrounds us.

Blessed is the man who is conscious of the unfailing love of God surrounding him. He can think on it when things seem to go wrong. And derive strength out of the thought that no matter how things are taking shape outside, God’s unfailing love is surrounding him.

He can lean, sit, stand up, lie down or move about and still consciously feel the cushion of God’s unfailing love. Yes, it surrounds!

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