The voice of the Lord twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, “Glory!” (Psalm 29:9 NIV).
The voice of the Lord resounds with absolute power. This psalm describes this power and its effects on earth. His voice is terrifying.
It is majestic.
It sounds like thunder.
It inspires awe.
On hearing it; no other response is adequate from us other than the cry of “Glory!”
This is because the voice of the Lord inspires us to worship. It brings us face to face with the awesome majesty of the Lord. It demonstrates to us the splendor of God’s holiness. We may have occasion at other times to think on God’s love, mercy and compassion.
But when His voice thunders we are reminded, more than anytime else, of God’s awesome power and majesty. He is the King of all the earth and the heavens. And the highest response we are capable of is to cry “Glory!” to this awesome display of His power.
And we draw near to worship in His temple. The right kind of worship should make us conscious of the glory of God. It should allow us to reflect on the greatness of God’s holiness. We should be reminded of the greatness of His power.
We must think of His absolute authority. We should draw near to God with the thought that He is a great King. And to Him belongs all glory. We should draw near to God in worship crying “Glory!”
As we worship God who sits enthroned as King forever; let us cry “Glory.” Then the Lord will give us strength and will bless us with peace. So let every element of our being cry out in worship in His temple: “Glory!”
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