And David Knew that the Lord Had Established

And David knew that the Lord had established him as king over Israel and that his kingdom had been highly exalted for the sake of his people Israel(1 Chronicles 14:2 NIV).

God does not keep His children in the dark for long with matters concerning His will for their lives. To the man who seeks God’s will in all matters of his life, God reveals His will. Not only does God reveal His will but also confirms it by happenings that follow.

Now David had become king over the whole of Israel. And Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David. Along with them, stonemasons and carpenters were also sent to build a palace for David. Then David realized that God had established him as king over Israel.

This is God’s way of working with those who love Him wholeheartedly. He makes things happen according to His will for them. But He also makes sure that His servants understand that the happenings in their lives are according to His perfect will.

There is no reason why God should confirm what He has already accomplished. But God knows how much our human hearts are in need of encouragement. So He makes other agencies to work to make His will clearly known and confirmed to His servants.

Here, in David’s case, a gentile king is moved by God to send help to David to build him a palace. The king needed a palace. And God sent help.

But it actually accomplished more: This act confirmed for David the fact that God had indeed made him king. You can always expect God’s confirming act to make you doubly sure of His will.

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