See Problems Through God’s Lens

Innocent remarks made by others in our troubled times trigger emotional reactions in us; don’t they? Why is it like that? It is because we have made our problems seem bigger than it really is. So what steps can you take to see them differently?

Look to God for help. He will help you see your difficulties with a different lens. The problems might not disappear. But before he does anything to change them; he changes us. He puts courage within us to face our giants.

Imagine this. A little boy is bullied by his classmates every day. He is so afraid that he hides from them. But then one day he marches boldly in front of them all. As they gather together to bully him: suddenly they notice his big brother coming towards them. See the little boy got a different lens with which to view his situation when his big brother came along with him. Likewise when you realize God is with you to help you, giants become dwarfed.

Secondly, if possible, thank God for your difficulties. Why did I say, “if possible?” Simply because it is not easy. But then what is the impact? The impact is that over a period of time, as you keep thanking God, there will be a growing assurance in your heart that he will take care of the situation you are facing. He takes ownership of the troublesome  situation. He takes the burden from your shoulders and carries it for you.

Finally, problems can make you bitter or better; sour or sweet. In one way you can look at it as a chiseling process. It is definitely painful. Now through the lens God is looking at you, he is seeing a better, sweet person emerge as the rough edges are being chiselled away. But what you see are the bits and pieces falling all around you. The painful process is something we all love to short-circuit. But character formation takes time. And God uses a disciplining hand in Fatherly love to make us reflect his image in us.

To conclude, let me say that life can be seen through a set of many different lenses. Today just decide to see life and its problems through a giant-dwarfing lens. Look up and let God do it for you!

“And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man*, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven*”

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