The Power of Prayer

Prayer the Answer to Worry
Most people constantly worry. You might be one among them. The Bible tells us that prayer is the way to conquer worry. It advises us not to be anxious, but with hearts of thanks and praise, present our requests to God.

He is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or think. And he is able to meet all our needs. So let us cast all our anxieties on him in prayer.

Unity in Prayer Opens Doors
When the church unitedly prays, closed doors open. We have a risen Lord who can walk into any room which is closed. He can open them for you. But this happens through united and passionate prayer.

It is important that those who are praying with you and for you should be agreed on what you are praying for. Then God will act mightily on your behalf and open doors, even prison doors for you when you are unjustly held captive.

The Prayer for God’s Favour
Prayer for favour is something that God answers. When you stand before people in positions of authority who hold the power to make decisions, just ask God to grant you favour in their eyes.

This prayer acknowledges the fact that God is sovereign over all kingdoms and God hears the prayer of the humble. Great things are accomplished in the face of threatening opposition when God grants you favour in the eyes of others.

Pray for God’s Mercy
Pray for God’s mercy to come to your aid when you have sinned against him. There is no need to stay defeated. The cleansing power of the blood of Jesus and the sanctifying work of the Spirit of God is ever available. Seek his mercy today. He relents from sending calamity.

Therefore humble yourselves before God and he will show you mercy. Do not hesitate to seek his mercy for he is a merciful God and he will forgive you, cleanse you and restore you.

Pray for Fruitfulness
Fruitfulness is what God expects from you. Pray for God to help you remain in him. For you cannot produce fruit on your own; instead you have to remain connected to the branch. Our prayer should not be for more effectiveness or more busyness in the Lord’s work.

Our prayer should be for helping us realize our need to depend on God more. Perhaps we should pray to God to prune us. That is a painful process, but it is what yields greater fruit. Therefore pray to God to help you stay connected to him.

Pray for God’s Grace
Maybe, the great power of God is revealed not when we are strong but when we are weak. Paul had a great physical difficulty in his life. He prayed to God thrice to have it removed. But the reply was negative. Yet it came with a promise. “My grace is sufficient for you. For my power is made perfect in weakness.”

In our lives there are certain things which God might not change. Prayer helps us in such situations to enjoy the grace of God more. God finds such people in such situations great channels through which he can reach out to people in need.

Read more posts on prayer:
The Secret of Prayer Posts Lists
Pathways of Prayer

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