Ever since Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, the Spirit of God has been poured out in big measure on his people. Prophet Joel predicted it (Joel 2:28—32); and Peter on the Day of Pentecost confirmed that the pouring out of the Holy Spirit began that day (Acts 2:16—21).
It was the result of Jesus being exalted in heaven (Acts 2:33) after he had humbled himself to be the servant of all on earth.
The promise of the pouring out of the Spirit of God is for all God’s children (Acts 2:29). And it is for you. Nobody is excluded. For every believer in the Lord Jesus; this gift from God is available. Open your heart today to receive him.
Do not worry about words like anointing, baptism, fullness etc. Whatever terms are used doesn’t matter as long as you are blessed with pouring out of God’s Spirit.
Most of us are focused on dreams and visions, prophecies, and gifts of the Holy Spirit and the power. Let all this be true. But how many of us are focused on worshipping the Holy Spirit who is God himself?
In spite of all our sins, failures and rebellion, he comes to dwell in our hearts to give us a conscious and abiding presence of Jesus Christ. He comes to help us in our inability to pray right with groans that words cannot express. He comes to guide us into the truth of the Scriptures. Therefore let us adore him whom God has poured into our hearts without limit.
Paul understood yet another dimension of this pouring out. He said that “God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us” (Romans 5:5 NIV). The question is, have you experienced the love of God?
God’s love; his unconditional and everlasting love shown to us on the cross where the Lamb of God shed his blood and died, cannot be experienced without the help of the Holy Spirit of God. Therefore open your hearts today and ask God to pour out the Spirit of God into your heart. Let your cup overflow with joy (Romans 14:17) and with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13)!
Meet the Holy Spirit
Another Helper for You!
1. You Are Not Alone
2. Our Teacher
3. Our Helper in Prayer
4. Our Guide
5. A New Relationship
6. The Promise
7. The Spirit of God in the Life of Jesus
Lesson 24: The Spirit of Holiness