Mighty God

And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6b NIV).

Is there anyone else who can claim to be Mighty God? God asks, “Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock, I know not one” (see Isaiah 44:8b).

This is an absolute claim. God claims for Himself a throne in our heart which He will share with no one else because He is Mighty God.

Now look at the miracle. Can a child be called Mighty God! Yes, Jesus, the child that was promised, is Mighty God. But He chose to come in gentleness and meekness, clothed in humility. A God who stooped low to lift up humanity.

In Him strength was disguised. Yes, Mighty God chose to be weak and identified Himself with frail man. And became submissive to suffering and finally the cross.

This miracle of Mighty God in flesh as a child brings us to our next thought-a question that God has asked in the Old Testament concerning Himself: “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” (see Jeremiah 32:27; also Genesis 18:14 and Numbers 11:23).

The miracle of the child that comes to the world bearing the title Mighty God reminds us of God’s unquestioned power and ability and strength. There is no comparison with it.

So when you approach this child in worship like the Magi (wise men), come with faith that He can (don’t ask “Can God?” see Psalm 78:19)! For without faith it is impossible to please God (see Hebrews 11:6).

Finally, Mighty God means something very personal to you. It means that He is not a mere spectator in your life. He acts on your behalf and for you.

The mouth of lions will be shut, mighty bodies of water shall separate and you will walk on dry ground while Pharaohs and his armies sink, and He will walk beside you when you are thrown into a blazing furnace.

Yes, He participates in your life and in His wisdom He chooses to intervene in your life at the right times and seasons. Though on certain occasions He may choose not to do so for purposes known to Him alone (see Hebrews 11:35b-38).

Again, He reveals His mighty power by calling “things that are not as though they were” (see Romans 4:17). That means He will open up possibilities in your life where absolutely none existed. This is your Mighty God. Would you trust Him?

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