This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: `In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it’ (Isaiah 30:15 NIV).
We humans do not take rest seriously. We always want to move about and get things done. But God teaches us to be quiet in rest. His methods may seem contrary to common sense, but it is the way things work best in His kingdom and for those who trust in Him.
There is a majesty in rest. We need only look at the grandeur of the lofty mountains to know how serene and majestic is their rest. Though the waves roll near the shores we find in contrast the great ocean depths having a majestic calm about it.
These are some of the lessons that God has painted in nature for us to learn and profit from it. Those who have learned thus carry with themselves an air of quiet trust in God.
When every sense tells you to rush around in panic and seek help, God might be whispering to you to be quiet and to rest in peaceful trust. To be honest, this is very difficult. It goes against our human nature. But for God to act, at times, we have to choose rest.
There is a divine strength in rest. For such a rest alone can bring about God’s deliverance. But often we would have none of it. This is our problem. And this is God’s complaint against us!
There is only one option for us. It is to repent of our haste and restlessness and turn to God. Then we too shall experience the rest that comes from God. We will be amazed to see the saving work of God when we have stilled our heart before Him in complete and abiding rest.
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