They Did not Listen Because of Their Discouragement

Moses reported this to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage (Exodus 6:9 NIV).

Good news is not always welcomed. This was the case with the Israelites. God had told them through Moses that He was going to deliver them. At first, they bowed down and worshiped (Exodus 4:31).

But then Pharaoh increased their hard labor instead of freeing them. This made them turn against Moses and Aaron, who in turn took the complaint to God.

God once again told them that He will indeed deliver His people from Egypt. But the Israelites did not welcome this message.

Two important lessons are to be noted in this context:

First of all, God never fails to act on what He has promised. It was God who began the process of delivering the people of Israel. He had heard their groans and seen their misery. In response He appointed Moses to go and deliver His people from Egypt.

But circumstances became difficult after the initial request by Moses to Pharaoh. Then the people thought that their deliverance was not going to happen.

But they did not know then that their God does not change. And that He will keep His promise. Maybe you need to remember this today. Your God will keep His promise to you and complete what He began to do in your life.

Secondly, when circumstances turn difficult, you should not fail to listen to God. Here, God was confirming what He had promised earlier, that He will indeed deliver His people.

But the unfortunate thing was that the people did not listen. It was because of their discouragement and cruel bondage. Ah, discouragement is like having a truckload of heaviness on your head.

When it gets combined with physical difficulties it really tries to choke your faith in God. But if you want to hear God you should learn to listen to Him in spite of all this.

For He is still speaking to you to encourage you with the message that He’ll accomplish your deliverance as promised.

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