Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen? (2 Kings 7:2b NIV).
Here is an example of a man who can’t believe good news. Such people are so much influenced by the negative circumstances that they can’t believe that God is bringing good out of it even when it is told them prophetically by a prophet of God.
As far as this man was concerned, he too was experiencing the famine that was caused in the land because of the siege laid by their enemies. And this was the eve of a dramatic change. God was going to act the next day.
It was told, “This is what the Lord says!” And it was announced that the next day flour and barley will be sold for cheap prices at the gates of the city. Yet his response was one of disbelief.
But God would be true to His word. He would cause food, which was sold at very high prices, to be sold for cheap prices the next day. Even though it was humanly impossible to think of it to happen, the officer of the king should have believed God’s word spoken about that situation.
Instead of thinking “how” it would become a reality, he should have trusted in God who spoke.
This is a choice you too can make. If God has spoken a word of change in your situation, believe it. Do not get overawed by the impossibility of the situation.
Working around impossibilities is God’s business, not yours. Do not be too much negative minded by living long under the siege of the enemy.
Though things are very difficult at this very moment, though you have become absolutely desperate, you might be at the eve of the great day in which God would lift the siege by the enemy.
You will enjoy plenty tomorrow. God will be true to His word. Do not lose the happiness of sharing in the miracle through disbelief.
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