He Is Holy

He is holy (Psalm 99:3b NIV).

The message of Psalm 99 revolves around this glorious truth: “He is holy.”

This Psalm reminds us the fact that the Lord is King and He reigns. He sits upon His throne and He is exalted over all the nations.

Therefore we are asked to praise His great and awesome name. We are called to worship Him.

We are also encouraged to call upon His name like how Moses, Aaron and Samuel did. God had answered them. He spoke to them and they kept His commands. He forgave His people even though He punished them for their wrongs. So, exalt your God and worship Him, for He is holy.

Make this truth, that God is holy, central to your lives. Let it enable you to praise and worship Him. Exalt Him in your life, work and relationships. Lift Him high.

Let others know that you esteem this holy God above all else. May you always remember that He is King and that He is mighty. He is to be worshiped. No other person or philosophy or place or power is worthy of worship; for they all shall bow their knees to Him.

It will happen literally; when one day He shall reign in Jerusalem; in Zion at His holy mountain. So, exalt your God and worship Him, for He is holy.

Yes, the great need of the hour is to exalt God and His holy and awesome name. To do so, fill your minds with the thought, “He is holy.”

May it inspire you to reflect His holiness in your life too. Let others know that your God is holy. For this is the message they need to hear. For there is no other who is holy like the Lord.

And there is no response other than worship that you can render to the Lord as you know the truth, “He is holy.” It is worth repeating: Exalt Him, worship Him, for He is holy.

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