He Did This So That

He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God (Joshua 4:24 NIV).

Joshua makes this statement soon after the Israelites had crossed the Jordan, which was at its flood stage, on dry ground. And Joshua tells the people that God had done again what He had done to the Red Sea in a similar fashion many years ago and allowed the Israelites to cross over on dry ground.

Yet through unbelief all wandered and perished in the desert except Joshua and Caleb. The opportunity was there for them to move on to the Promised Land. But they had failed.

Now God was giving their children a second chance. The destination hadn’t changed. It was the Promised Land. The mission hadn’t changed. It was still the conquest of the Promised Land.

So what God actually did through the dividing of the Jordan was reminding the children of Israel that He was the same God who divided the Red Sea and that His power hadn’t changed. He was asking them to go forward in spite of the fact that they had lost 40 years after the dividing of the Red Sea.

What a God! A similar kind of miracle to show forth the fact that neither His purpose nor His power has changed. Think of this. Is God reminding you of a victory He gave you many years ago? Have you lost it? Are you today seeing and experiencing a similar working of God?

If so, it is to show forth His power to others and also to make you fear the Lord always. His purpose for your life hasn’t changed. God is once again dividing the flooding waters. The path is through its midst. Walk through and conquer!

More Manna:

Stand Before Me in the Gap

For the Eyes of the Lord

God’s Word: A Lamp and a Light