Made Him Glad with the Joy of Your Presence

Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence (Psalm 21:6 NIV).

This talks about the blessings given to the king whose desire God had granted. Surely this is the pattern in which God blesses all His children.

As you think about it; mercy shown to you, forgiveness of sins granted to you, and eternal life gifted to you, are all blessings that are eternal. Along with it the victories that God grants you crown you with glory.

But all this cannot have an impact on your life if you cannot enjoy it here and now. And the one thing that binds it all together to make it real for you now is the joy of God’s presence with which He makes you glad.

The joy of God’s presence gives you the ability to enjoy the eternal blessings that God gives. As you look around, you will find mournful Christians all around. They are not like that because of some grief that they are passing through.

But they go about sorrowful because they are unable to enjoy the eternal blessings that God has given them. They forget the fact that they have a God whose presence is full of joy. And God who is so merciful and liberal in His giving of blessings to His children is also the Giver of joy of His presence.

Have you failed to receive this gift? Without this joy of His presence you cannot be glad in spite of all the blessings that God has gifted you with. This joy is not make-believe. It is not manufactured on earth. It cannot be generated by any saint.

It is God-given. It is granted to those who appreciate God’s eternal blessings in their lives. It is given in exceeding abundance to those who are thankful for the same!

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Prophet Uriah

I have Hidden Your Word in My Heart

That Night God Did So