From Now On I Will Tell You of New Things

I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass. … From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you (Isaiah 48:3,6b NIV).

This is not an encouraging message but a rebuke from God. You have not listened to His counsel but delighted to go your own way. So God calls you to remember how He had announced the former things long ago.

They remained as prophecies which many chose not to believe in. But at the right time, God acted suddenly and they came to pass. God is calling you to remember these deeds of His which He had foretold.

It is to remind you of His wisdom and power. And also to rebuke you for your constant refusal to admit God’s miraculous intervention in your life.

Since you have been rebellious against God like this, God is giving you yet another opportunity. He is proclaiming to you today new things. These are God’s immediate creations, created now. It is a rebuke to tell you that you cannot claim to have known these things before.

The opportunity for you in this is to humble yourself before God and repent of your stubbornness. See, God can not only predict the present from a distant past, but also create new things now which you have never heard before. Therefore let God be God. Acknowledge Him today.

God is delaying His wrath against you. He is testing you now. God is being merciful because you are still His child. And He is still your God. And He does not gain glory in your destruction.

Therefore stop being rebellious. Stop being stubborn. Instead acknowledge God; for His knowledge is far beyond your understanding!

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