You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as men rejoice when dividing the plunder (Isaiah 9:3 NIV).
Praise God that there is an enlargement that is destined for you. The restricting circumstances shall be removed. A great freedom of movement and increase will come.
A time of growth and prosperity is destined to happen. And it is a joyous occasion because it is God Himself who is making it happen for you.
There will be an increase of joy. It shall be joy that is heaven-sent, and that wells up within. It shall be an offshoot of God’s light that is shining on you and your paths.
The darkness that you endured will be removed. And instead of shame, an increase of joy will shine through you.
And you will rejoice before God. For you will enjoy the fruit of your labor; and the harvest of all your hard work over the years will be brought to you. There will be plenty for you to enjoy, plenty to give away, plenty to store and plenty to sow for the coming years.
The barren fields where you had sowed and waited patiently for the yield shall give you cause to rejoice; for God shall sent a harvest that is plentiful.
The rejoicing shall be great because it brings victory. There shall be a final victory over the battles waged over the years. The defeats of years past shall yield to a new conquest; a victory where you shall divide the plunder.
You who had been the defeated one over the years shall now conquer. You shall be a more than conqueror; for you will defeat what had defeated you.
And you will rejoice before your God who has done this mighty thing for you! May your joy increase!
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