For the Eyes of the Lord

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war (2 Chronicles 16:9 NIV).

King Asa was a good king who did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord. In the tenth year of his reign a great and mighty army had marched against him, but he relied on God and God gave him victory. Moreover there was rest from war till the thirty-fifth year of his reign.

In the next year (the thirty-sixth year), Baasha king of Israel went up to attack his kingdom. Even though Asa had so far trusted in his God; this time he relied on an enemy king and made a treaty with him. It was then that God sent Hanani the seer to Asa and told him this message.

It is good to have a good beginning in life. But it is more important that we continue to be good till the very end. Having trusted God and thus having gained victories yesterday is good. But what use it is today, if we do not rely on God for today’s needs.

King Asa did right things before God. God also had given him victory over his enemies when he had cried out to Him. God also gave peace and rest during his reign. Yet he forgot God and would not seek His help during a fresh crisis in life.

How often are we like this king. We make a good beginning by trusting God. But absence of trouble make us forget God who gave us peace and rest. And at the first sign of trouble we rush to rely on people; even at times rely on the enemies of God.

Let us at all times trust in God who seeks to strengthen hearts fully committed to Him. Otherwise, we will be committing foolishness and inviting war into our lives where peace had once reigned!

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