God’s Word: A Lamp and a Light

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 119:105 NIV).

We carry lamps so that we may light it when darkness comes. God’s word is the light that makes our traveling in a dark world easy. Therefore we have to carry God’s word in our hearts.

A heart empty of God’s word cannot hope for light when its path leads through dark tunnels in this world.

Darkness can never be wished away. Only light can pierce the darkness and show you the way you should go. Moreover light illumines for you the obstacles and dangers in your path, that you may not stumble and fall. So light points you the way and also helps you avoid wrong footsteps.

Unless the light of God’s word has been stored up in your heart during days when clear skies and sunshine made you happy; you cannot expect it to shine light to your path during dark and cloudy days.

Therefore for this word of God to become meaningful for you, the Word of God should be richly stored up and treasured as precious in your heart. It is then that it shines as a lamp to your feet and a light for your path.

The more you have the Word of God piled up in your heart, the more intense and piercing will be the light that shines from it. There are people who stumble and fall even when they have lamps just because the light was feeble.

Let us take care to avoid such mistakes. Let our lights shine brightly. Let us seek to store up God’s Word in rich abundance in our heart that its light may truly be bright, continuing and blazing.

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Sin, Failing to Pray

Sun of Righteousness, Rise, Healing in Its Wings