I Have Seen, Heard, Watched Over, Promised

I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering … I have watched over you and have seen what has been done to you in Egypt. And I have promised to bring you up out of Egypt into the land of … a land flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:7, 16b, 17 NIV).

God watches over you. Though the misery seems long and no one seems to care, He is watching over you. In your hardships and troubles, He is watching over you. This is what God says to you today.

There is not one moment when you have been out of His sight or mind. Though He may not have intervened when you wanted Him to do so, He has heard your cries. And He says that He is concerned about your suffering.

This reveals the heart of God. Even though many times you have thought that God does not care, this passage of Scripture tells you that He is concerned about your suffering.

It means that He is not a God who stands away and aloof from you when you suffer. He is very much affected by your sufferings. He is definitely not just a spectator, but one who draws alongside you to help.

And when God is concerned about you, He takes steps to bring you out of it. He reminds you of promises already made to you in the past from His Word. When He reminds them, He in effect says, I do what I promised.

And why does He remind you of His promise to you? It is to make you look ahead and forward to what He has planned for you. Who knows? The misery that you are enduring now is intended to stir your heart to take strong hold of His promises. That is the first step to deliverance.

Therefore believe and accept the fact that God has seen your misery and heard your cries. Know that He is concerned about your suffering. He has watched over you and wants you to take hold of His promise to you.

More Manna:

Another Generation Not Knowing the Lord

Sow in Tears; Reap with Songs of Joy

God Will Not Despise