Moses took the bones of Joseph with him because Joseph had made the sons of Israel swear an oath. He had said, “God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up with you from this place” (Exodus 13:19 NIV).
Focus on Joseph. He had become governor of the land of Egypt. He enjoyed the favor of the king and also enjoyed the honor given to him by the people. He became mighty in the land and was able to provide for his family.
And they increased in the land of Egypt. The best of Egypt was theirs!
What would have been your thoughts if you had been in his position when it was time for you to die? Joseph had no thoughts of a permanent settlement in Egypt even though he was well placed there.
His attitude still was that of a pilgrim and a stranger in that country. In spite of all that he was able to achieve there, his heart was in the Promised Land. Though he was in Egypt, Egypt never had hold in his heart.
What an excellent attitude was this! Likewise you too can have your thoughts centered on heaven even as you live on earth. Always remember that your citizenship is in heaven. Remind yourself that you are a stranger and pilgrim on earth.
You are in a journey. And let the thoughts of your final destination evoke in you a longing to get there. Let not the best of what the earth can offer not divert your eyes and heart from the promised eternal dwellings in heaven.
Be sure that even when the promise seems far away even when the sun sets, there shall be a sun rise. Then God will come. And you too will rise from the dust of the earth to receive him. That privilege is yours if you hold on to the promise of the Promised Land.
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