Come, Let Us Return to the Lord

Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds (Hosea 6:1 NIV).

There is always the welcome opportunity to return to the Lord. You should not wait any longer to go back to Him. His invitation has been given to you in many ways through the pages of the Bible. It still says, “Come!”

See, there can be no doubt as to whom you belong. You belong to the Lord. But you had moved away from Him because you allowed sin to come between you and the Lord.

But now is the opportunity to return. Remember, you can return to no other; because you can only return to Him to whom you belong.

The very wounds that God inflicted on you were made to get your attention. Otherwise you wouldn’t have listened at all. Those wounds were not intended to kill but to instruct.

If you’re thinking about your wounds today, think also about the One who caused it. They are tokens of love for you rather than the sword of judgment.

But He is the healer too. If surgeons can cut with their knives with the intention of healing, cannot God do much better than them? He has made provision to bind up your wounds and heal you.

It is not just a clinical procedure. There is love inside the bindings. That heals. But staying far does not bring you its benefits. You’ve to draw near to Him. Return. The rest is in His loving care for you.

What if there was no opportunity to return? Then your wounds would have remained for ever. Sorrow would have been your daily food. But the gracious Lord has given you an opportunity to return to Him.

How many times has this opportunity knocked at your very door? How many times have you refused? But even now it knocks. Therefore return to the Lord.

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