You Refreshed Your Weary Inheritance

You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance (Psalm 68:9 NIV).

When batteries run low, they need to be recharged. And when Christians are depleted of their spiritual strength, they need to be refreshed.

Long and intense spiritual battles can drain the strength of any Christian. It is then that he becomes weary. Usual sources of help like encouraging words from friends may not help much when the weariness is intense. It is then that a Christian can look to the Lord for refreshing.

But many Christians fear to admit their weariness. They try to plod on; that is, they walk on with slow and heavy steps because they are very tired. They try to smile and make others believe that everything is O.K. This is not a good practice.

Christians need to learn to admit the fact when they are weary. There is nothing to be ashamed about it. As long as we inhabit this body, an earthly tent, weariness will be part of life once in a while.

Once the Christian can admit his need, he can look to the Lord for refreshing. God can give it in abundance. Isn’t that truth lovely? God spares no good thing when you are weary and needs to be refreshed.

He gives the showers in plenty. They are heaven-sent. Its coming shall wash away the dusty and sweaty smelling weariness from you. He does this for you because you are His inheritance. That means His eye watches over you because you are His.

He therefore cares to send you abundant showers. Like the blade of grass that lifts up its head after the showers, so shall you lift up your head when times of refreshing shall come from the Lord!

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