Our Secret Sins

You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence (Psalm 90:8 NIV).

With God there is forgiveness. There need be no doubt about it. But for that a person needs to seek God’s forgiveness.

Before doing that he needs to be made conscious of sin in his life and then he has to turn to God in true humility and tears. Then there is forgiveness.

Though we talk much about forgiveness we rarely talk about God who knows what we are up to. This verse from the prayer of Moses reminds us of our Holy God. There is no escaping the light of His presence.

We need to remember always that whatever we do is laid bare open before Him. It cannot be hidden. Whatever we have thought in secret, whatever we have done in secret, lies open before God.

How awesome is this thought! How much it should persuade us to live a life that is pleasing to God. For what we do in secret, our “secret sins” are kept in the light of His presence.

It is like a billion spotlights suddenly lighting up our hiding place in a pitch-black dark tunnel. And we would be like mice caught before the mighty lion.

Yes, God is to be feared. He is an awesome and mighty God. We talk too much of God’s forgiveness. We talk much less about His holiness.

We make God’s forgiveness too cheap at times. It cost God the life and blood of His dear Son to gift us with forgiveness.

Therefore let us strive to set things right. Let us not think that “secret sins” can be enjoyed and later forgiveness obtained. With God there is wrath. Let us not find ourselves caught in it by surprise.

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