Overwhelmed by Sins, You Forgave

When we were overwhelmed by sins, you forgave our transgressions (Psalm 65:3 NIV).

Have you ever been under the tremendous load of some object that you tried to lift? Even as you tried to lift it up you started to bend and your knees began to waver.

Your arms pained as you tried to walk holding that heavy object. You would have gladly dropped that object and heaved a sigh of relief. But for some reason you couldn’t do it.

And finally some stronger than yourself came and took the object from you hands; lifted it easily on to His shoulders and walked off. And you would have said: “Thanks, thanks so much!”

Being overwhelmed with sins is some kind of situation like this. There is this staggering burden of sin, shame, guilt. Bowing you down under its tremendous weight and pressure. There is no way you can put it down. But you’ve got to walk. You try. You find the going difficult; heart-rending. And you know that you cannot go long.

Sin is definitely a burdensome weight to carry. And sometimes the burden grows to enormous proportions.

Do not wait for that weight to kill you. Turn to the Man with those powerful shoulders who carried the Cross. He shall take the burden on His shoulders. You need not carry it anymore. For He already carried it for you.

Are you overwhelmed by your sins? Oh, child of God, do not delay. You cannot do anything to remove its burden from your shoulders. Except ask Him to carry it away.

Then you shall know the joy of forgiveness. You shall enjoy the relief of having the burden lifted away. Ask Him to do it for you for it is just an ask away! Ask now!

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