In all the travels of the Israelites, whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, they would set out; but if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out–until the day it lifted (Exodus 40:36,37 NIV).
God is to be acknowledged in all our travels. It means that we have to wait for God’s signal in all our moving out to do any kind of significant work.
The Israelites did not move until the cloud–the symbol of God’s presence–lifted from above the tabernacle. This is a great lesson for us.
We need to wait till God asks us to move. It means that we say to God that we are not wise enough to know the exact time that we need to start moving.
Sometimes such waiting is difficult. This is because we are impatient in most situations. Our fast moving modern world has no time for those who wait.
But God is concerned with our trust in His timing for our highest good. Any moving out without God’s indication to do so is going to end in futile effort and shame.
It is to be noted that the waiting for God’s indication is not a permanent halt. It is just a passing phase where much of our energy and sweet fellowship with God is restored in full freshness. Only then the command to move is given.
Then we will be ready for the task ahead. If we are wise enough to see this purpose in the halts of life we will make much profit out of it.
Therefore be ready to watch the moving of the cloud from over the tabernacle. Then be ready to step out with it. Till then watch and wait. The cloud shall indeed lift!
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