God Acts for Those Who Wait

Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him –(Isaiah 64:4 NIV).

God can act only for those who wait for Him. Those who are busily rushing forward need not expect God to act for them. For those who really long for God’s acting on their behalf are prepared to walk in-step with God. They do not seek to outrun God.

The method God employs to work wonders for His children often contradict the wisdom of this world. The world is a fast moving world. People want instant results and are not prepared to wait. But God teaches us the art of waiting in the school of patience.

Such a waiting is never in vain. Because we can be sure of results. We are not waiting in hopelessness; but in certain hope. In the extended evenings of waiting, God is preparing the stage for Him to burst upon the scene in glory and act wonders for His waiting and trusting child!

It is this preparation that takes time. That does not mean that God needs this much time; rather it means that He needs this much time to prepare our hearts for a blessed sunrise.

If you had known exactly for how long a time you are supposed to wait, you would gladly be ready to wait for God. But what makes waiting difficult is the uncertainty of knowing when it will end.

For God may not always tell you in advance how long you may have to wait. It is here that trust plays an important role-to trust that God knows best when to act.

But there is one thing that is not uncertain-that God will definitely act on behalf of those who wait for Him! You can stake your life on it!

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