Helped Him Find Strength in God

And Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God — (1 Samuel 23:16 NIV).

David was a great man of God–a man after God’s own heart! He did great exploits trusting in his God. But when there came difficult times in his life, he was just like any other human being. And he too needed encouragement!

Jonathan did the right thing here. He helped David find strength in God. This was because Jonathan knew that David’s source of strength was his God.

Jonathan also knew that a fresh touch with the source of his strength would help David find courage to move on.

Jonathan loved David as himself. Encouraging David to find strength in God was an expression of his great love for David. Only those who love their friends much can offer encouragement of this kind when they are in need of it.

Therefore godly encouragement is an outflow of true love. Here its timing could not have been more perfect!

Jonathan could have stayed in his father’s palace. But he chose to go to David. That too at a time when his father Saul was searching for David day after day trying to hunt him down. This is an amazing kind of love!

It is that kind of love that will not rest until what is needed is done! We need people like Jonathan who will go out of their way to help people find strength in God.

The best thing about Jonathan is that he reminded David that beyond the present troubles, God’s promise to him will be fulfilled: “You will be king over Israel.”

To remind people of the unfailing promises of God is true encouragement indeed! This is what will pump strength into a disheartened mind, and what a royal way to do it!

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