The Lord Bless You

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace –(Numbers 6:24-26 NIV).

This is the priestly blessing with which God commanded Aaron and his sons to bless the Israelites.

God wishes to bless His children. Many times we have a wrong notion that God is trying to punish us when we are in difficult times.

But when you have such a negative attitude towards God, you can never enjoy the joy of fellowship with God. We have to learn to accept that God is longing to bless His children.

And there is much power in such a blessing. God promised to indeed bless the Israelites when the priests pronounced this blessing. We have almost forgotten this truth.

Let us try to get a clearer understanding of it. God’s blessing will flow to people when those who have a right heart before God say it.

An earnest and prayerful saying of “God bless you” to someone carries more power in it than we have so far realized. Let us therefore seek to become channels of God’s blessings to this broken world.

Being such channels imply that we are priests of God living such lives that make His blessing flow out to others.

And what is the result of such a blessing? It is peace! God’s blessing need not be material prosperity, fame, or physical well-being. Though all this can be part of God’s blessing, the most important element of God’s blessing is a God-given peace. It is the sure sign of God’s favor!

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