Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10a NIV).
Being still is not an outward lack of activity; but it is an inward attitude of quietness. To make it a bit more clear, it can be said that you can be perfectly still physically, yet be thoroughly disturbed in your mind.
In this condition, it is not possible to know God who is the perfection of stillness itself.
Many Christians, especially in their early days of growing in faith and knowledge of God, relate feverish, frenzied Christian activities to devotion to God. They move around attending meetings, distributing tracts, preaching and helping people around the clock.
All this is good. But God waits to have some of their time. But they move on thinking that they are turning the world upside down for God.
Sometimes it takes years for some of them to know that all these years God was patiently waiting for them to come and sit still at His feet.
After years of laboring and seeing not much fruit for their labor they come to God to learn the secret of fruitfulness in God’s ministry.
And the secret is being still before God; quieting your soul so that you can hear the faintest whisper of God speaking:
It means to hush your soul, being comforted and strengthened by the fact that God is in absolute control of your every circumstance.
It means to have certain knowledge that no threatening storm can break over you when you are still before God.
It is out of this communion of perfect rest that a Christian derives strength for his labor in the vineyards of God. Such a ministry born out of the quietness before God carries with it a force that draws souls into the kingdom of God.
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