“Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me” — Psalm 86:17.
David is praying. And at the end of his prayer, he is looking at his proud enemies who are attacking him. He pleads for God’s mercy to be shown him. And then he asks God to give him a sign of his goodness.–a sign or token of his love and compassion and mercy towards him.
We all have felt the need of signs even though we are called to walk by faith. Gideon for example is listed in the Roll Call of Faith in Hebrews Chapter 11. He was a man of faith who overcame feelings of inferiority and insignificance to accomplish great things for God.
Yet he keenly felt the need for confirmation of what God had told him through an angel. Therefore Gideon asked for a sign from God to confirm the message he had heard. Not satisfied with the first sign he asked for a second one by reversing the conditions (see Judges 6:36–40). God did not find fault with him for asking for a sign for confirmation.
Not only that, God himself told Gideon to go to the enemy camp at night and listen to what they were saying so that he will be encouraged (Judges 7:10, 11). What a God who as David said: “You stoop down to make me great (Psalm 18:35)!
In the verse for our thought, the Psalmist is asking for a sign. He needed a little bit of reassurance. We all need it from time to time; don’t we? Most of us are under pressure due to office or home-related issues. Personal problems, relationship issues, financial constraints, trouble from neighbours can all put a strain on us.
It is during those times that we feel like asking for a sign. The Psalmist asked for a sign of God’s goodness. That very prayer reminds us that “God is good all the time” as an uplifting song says. King David during a very very difficult time of his life wrote Psalm 34 (see title description of the Psalm). There he says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good (v.8).”
God’s goodness results in answered prayers. God listens to you when you ask for a sign of his goodness. Make sure that you are not asking because of unbelief. Rather believe in God’s promises and trust God to bring a token of his grace come into your life that can assure and reassure you of his love and care for you.
Cast all your cares on him (Psalm 55:22, 1 Peter 5:7) is a reminder that we all need. He will sustain you. In spite of all the difficulties you are facing may God show you a sign of his goodness that you may find strength in him today.
Judges 6:40 That Night God Did So
Judges 7:2 You Have Too Many Men
Judges 7:5 Separate Those Who Lap the Water
Judges 7:10,11a Listen to What They Are Saying, Afterward
Judges 8:4 Exhausted, Yet Keeping Up the Pursuit
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