STOP. Do not take your life. Help is on the way.
God is watching over you. He loves you unconditionally. He loves you in this moment of your trouble. He loves you just as you are.
Do you think that you are so dirty inside out that even you hate yourself? Even here and now, God accepts you as you are. With open arms He is ready to run to you to embrace you. Dirt or no dirt, He will hold you in His arms and weep tears of joy over you. And you will feel clean all inside of you!
Has someone really abused you that you have lost your sense of worth? Listen. God is telling you, “My child, you are precious to me. You are of such worth that I sent my Son Jesus to bleed and die for you on the cross. I will restore your sense of worth. I will build up, block by block, what they have torn down and destroyed. I will make something beautiful out of what is broken.”
Do you believe that you are a failure? Oh, my dear, He believes in “Failures.” Almost all God’s dear servants have failed at some point in their lives. But God uses them. He can use you too. He has a purpose for you life. His plan for you is beautiful. Trust Him now. He will make it known to you step by step.
Has someone whom you trusted betrayed you? Has that torn your heart apart? Are you thinking, “How could he do that to me?” But then,Jesus has known betryal. He too was betrayed by His friend’s kiss. He understands. More than that He will not let your friend who betrayed you triumph. God will not allow him to destroy you with anything you’ve told him. God will stop his tonuge and He will stand by your side. So do not fear!
Are you lonely? Is that the reason for your despair? Do not feel forsaken. He will send someone to your life to give you company. Your every longing will be fulfilled. God will bring you happiness through that person He is sending into your life.
Is it that you feel rejected? The world always rejects; but God always accepts. He came to His own people, but they rejected Him. He came to love them. But they hated Him. So He understands how you feel. He accepts you even now. Start to enjoy His acceptance of you!
Do people will make you feel inferior. Be of hope, God will make you feel loved.
Are your circumstances looking so negative? Be sure, God will open doors that you never thought possible!
Is the trouble that you have greater than all these. Simply call on Jesus. He will answer you. He never shuts His ear to a distress call. All He asks you is to call on His name. Just say this much:
Be of courage my friend. Help is on the way. Life ahead is full of His love. He will touch you and heal your troubled mind. He will whisper His peace to your soul.
THEREFORE LIVE. LIVE IN HOPE. For God will not disappoint you. Your face will not be covered with shame anymore. God’s light will shine upon you and light up your face with joy.
May God make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you and give you peace!