Someone was waiting for me;
Though from His loving care
And all that was good ‘n dear
I had walked away one day
Through the open gate across the lawn
With not a backward look.Someone was waiting for me;
While I in youthful pleasures
Swam to my heart’s content,
Spent all at wayside inns
And a far country reached
With no thoughts of home I’d left.Someone was waiting for me;
While my heart burned with care
With none to share; for all ‘d left.
Then begged I to be pity shown:
But who ‘d care for a waste like me;
Shame-drunk, poor ‘n homeless me.Someone was waiting for me;
This thought with force now struck
Like a bolt of lightning shook me up–
Of feast and festivity at home;
Now happy thoughts sprang up
At every step to my home I took.Someone was waiting for me;
To richly welcome sinner me.
It made all the difference to me;
As through the open gate across the lawn
He ran to me with outstretched arms
And poured love’s full cup on me.