God Will Show Mercy on You

When everything fails and you have no one to hold on to, seek God’s mercy.

If you have wondered whether God can stretch his mercy a little bit more; yes he can and he will; for you!

He is holy; and God is a God of justice. Yet he listens to the cry of a desperate heart.

“How many times will he show mercy?” You might ask. One more time; every single time you are in desperate need of it!
His mercy is undeserved kindness.

You might have sinned against him.
You might have broken the promise you made.
You might have deliberately forgotten him in times of your prosperity.

Now you are in distress.
Now your mind is accusing you.
Now you are in sickness.
Perhaps you are terminally ill.

Whatever it be, his mercies will never fail. Just cry out to him.

The love of God put on display on the cross where Jesus hung bleeding to death is the surest sign of God’s mercy to you.

God is merciful.
In your distress today, call out to him.
He has seen your tears.
He will answer you.

Yes, God will come near to you. His mercies will not fail. But your opportunity is now. Do not delay; do not postpone seeking him. For who knows whether tomorrow is yours or not?

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“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.” — Psalm 51:1 Bible NIV.

“If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.” — Psalm 130:3, 4 Bible NIV.

*John 3:16 Bible NIV