Run as to get the prize. Not aimlessly. So says Paul.
So what is your aim? If it is to be like Jesus, then God’s goal and yours are in alignment. Unlike earthly races where only one gets the prize, here in this spiritual race each one has the opportunity to win the prize!
What about running? It is not a hundred metres sprint that he is talking about. He is talking about a marathon–long distance running. It requires endurance, perseverance and discipline.
Now Paul says it is easy to preach to others. At the same time he can easily be disqualified if he does not discipline himself. He has to keep his body under strict discipline.
Dear friend, are you a disciplined person? Do you have a special time of Bible reading, study and prayer? Do you stay in touch with people who encourage you in your walk with God? Are you able to keep lust and appetites of the body under check? These are questions all of us have to answer.
Now all this is not for nothing. Paul is looking eagerly ahead to.his reward. He says that people run in a race to win a crown that is perishable. But we run to receive a crown that will not fade away but will last forever.
So think about your aim today.
Run steadily.
Discipline yourself.
Go into strict training.
Look ahead to your reward.
Keep your body under control.
Ensure that you do not get disqualified.
(Based on 1 Corinthians 9:24—27. For further reading, Philippians 3:12—14.)