God’s Compassions Never Fail

Did you wake up with heaviness in your heart this morning?

Perhaps you were troubled by disturbing dreams at night. Or you had promised God not to do something again; but did it one more time.

Sometimes your problems and worries looked so large and threatening. There was great fear in your heart and mind.
Or it might have been the memory of some sin you committed long ago which came back with its shame and sting.

Whatever it be, God”s love towards you does not fail. The Bible says his compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Therefore there is hope for you (Lamentations 3:21–23).

Think about the Israelites in the wilderness. For forty years they woke up every morning and went out expecting manna on the ground. It was renewed daily for them.

God’s compassion towards you is something like that. Expect it every morning. Gather it like manna. It will be enough for today’s need. Tomorrow you will find a fresh supply.

The Bible also adds that great is God’s faithfulness. That means he keeps his word. Therefore you can be absolutely certain that you will find his compassion towards you new every morning!

So whatever is the heaviness of your mind now, run to God. The blood of Jesus will cleanse you of all filth, the Word of God will strengthen you, and the Spirit of God will make God’s presence and compassion real to you.
What a loving God we have!