Exaltation Comes from God

If you trust in God be assured that exaltation comes from God. This is especially true when God promotes you to leadership.

God told Joshua that he will exalt him (Joshua 3:7). Then God exalted him (Joshua 4:14).

But what happened in between? Did Joshua have any role to play? The answer is yes.

He simply believed, trusted and obeyed God’s orders. He took God at his word; for God had told him: “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Joshua 1:5b).

God with you is your greatest strength. Remember.

Again, Joshua led the people in consecrating themselves (Joshua 3:5). This meant separating themselves from all lesser goals and thoughts. They gave first and fullest priority to the task ahead of crossing the Jordan. In short, they expected God to do amazing things.

What is your expectation from God?

It is also important to note how Joshua followed the ark of the covenant. The ark represented the presence of God with them. He looked to God’s leading and therefore they were able to cross the Jordan which was at flood stage at that time.

Will you be frightened by Jordan at flood stage or will you believe God to act?

In short, exaltation comes from God (see Psalm 75:6, 7). Believe God’s promise to you. Consecrate yourself to God. Follow God’s leading.

If God wants you to lead, he will also exalt.