Who Is God to You?

Who is God to you? Creator. Provider. Almighty. Judge. All these are true. But there is something more we need to know and experience.

Jesus came to show us this “something more” about God. Jesus came to show us God our heavenly Father. Jesus called God “Abba, Father.” Just as a little one in a family would call Father, “My dearest Daddy!”

We too can enjoy this relationship Jesus had with God. You might be thrilled to note that when God gave his Spirit to you (Galatians 4:6, Romans 8:15, 16), it was the Spirit of sonship (adoption) by whom we cry, “”Abba, Father.”

How much do we realize this freedom God has given? Because Jesus has opened the way to the Father through his blood (Hebrews 10:19, 20), we can now come to God at any time and call him “Abba.” This is the freedom, boldness, and confidence we have to approach God any time!

The best thing in prayer is when you walk into God’s presence and he asks you why you have come and you say, “For nothing Abba; just to be with you for some time!” Call him “Abba, Father!” and rejoice in his love now.

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Pathways of Prayer