“Follow me.” Jesus is calling you.
He is calling you to himself. Most people fear what he is going to ask them to do. The truth is that when you truly follow him you will find joy in doing what he wants you to do.
“Follow me.”
Jesus is calling you to die (Luke 9:23, 24). Surprised! Shocked! Yes, you cannot follow Jesus truly unless you die to your ambitions, to self, to sin and the world. Most of us like to go the prosperity way. But Jesus calls us to enter through the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13, 14). He walked in through that to the cross.
“Follow me.”
Jesus is asking you to keep your eyes on him. Do not compare yourself with someone else. Do not envy when someone is used more than you by God. And do not be disheartened when someone falls. Look to Jesus alone (Hebrews 12:2).
“Follow me.”
He is not guaranteeing success. He is not forcing you. He only assures that he will be with you and take you to be where he is. At last, it is life forever with him. If that is enough, follow him.
“Follow me.”
He does not wait for those who give excuses (Luke 9:57–62). So count the cost well before you decide to follow him.