It is amazing how one act of obedience can go a long way in fulfilling God’s purposes. Look at the case of Ananias. He was asked by God to “Go!” The reason was that a man named Saul was praying. And Saul was blind for a period of three days.
Ananias was the answer to Saul’s prayer.
But Ananias had no clue as to the change that was happening in Saul’s life. He had heard only of Saul’s past as a persecutor of believers. Now however Jesus the Risen Lord had confronted Saul. And Saul was eager to know this Jesus whom he had persecuted.
And for that reason he was praying. Sometimes we, the disciples of Jesus Christ, fail to realize that some people who do not know Christ are praying—praying for light to shine in their darkness. We have heard only of the past misdoings of these people. But we might never have known about God presently at work in their hearts.
Therefore like Ananias, we also give our excuses—
“Lord this man or woman is known for such kind of wrong behaviour.” We hesitate to obey our Lord’s call to reach out to such people.
But the Lord insists on his command: “Go.” The reason is that they are praying. They are now responding to the work of God in their hearts. But we have to act in obedience to complete that work. And God is asking us to “Go!”
Ananias obeys.
Imagine; Saul had already seen a vision that a man named Ananias would come and place his hand on him to restore his eyesight. Therefore it was so important that Ananias obey God’s command to go.
Some preachers today get easily discouraged when they minister to only few people. They love great crowds. But see here. God asked Ananias to go to meet one person. Only one person!
What was its impact? Have you ever read from the letters of Paul and your soul was encouraged? Several times; isn’t it? Well this Paul was that Saul to whom Ananias was sent to go. Therefore do not hesitate to go when God calls you to do so even if he is asking you to go and meet only one person to be an encouragement to him or her.
We do not hear much about Ananias later.
But we hear plenty about Saul and benefit greatly from what he preached and wrote. Your role may be to ignite the fire in someone’s heart and then just leave quietly. He or she will carry the torch of faith to distant lands and people.
Let us therefore act when God commands. One act of obedience can create multiplied impact in the lives of many people now and for generations to come. So “Go” when God commands.
What one small act of obedience is God asking from you today?
Refer to Acts 9:10—19
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