God Will Not Turn His Face Away from You

He will not turn his face from you if you return to him (2 Chronicles 30:9b).

God is speaking a word of encouragement to you today. He will not turn his face from you. In response, will you say along with the Psalmist “Your face, Lord, I will seek.”

The people of Judah and all Israel had forsaken God. And they were worshipping idols. It was during such a time that Hezekiah became king of Judah. He took bold steps to clear the temple of all defilement and evil. With the help of priests and Levites he purified the temple.

And then he also took steps to celebrate the Passover—the celebration of their deliverance from Egypt, the land of their slavery by observing the sprinkling of blood and eating of the Passover lamb.

This Passover, which was to be a yearly observance, was not observed by the children of God for a long time. To encourage the people, Hezekiah had sent this message that God will not turn his face from them.

There was one condition though. They had to return to God. The king told the people that they should not be stiff-necked and rebellious like their forefathers. Instead they should come back to the Lord. If they did, God would certainly show compassion to them.

So what is God’s word for you today? Return to your God. Remember the Lamb of God whose shed blood on the cross brought you salvation and freedom. Return to him. Purify your hearts in God’s presence. Then God will not turn his face away from you.

The tragedy in today’s Christian world is that people seek after God mainly to get something from him. It is true that there are several needs of yours that are to be met. In unimaginable ways, your God shall supply all your needs only if you return to him and seek his face.

God is eagerly waiting for you to get back into a loving relationship with him. Will you seek his face today? Will you return to him now? Then, he will not turn his face away from you. Remember, this is his word of encouragement to you today.

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