10 Great Attitudes–Part II

#4. Exalting Christ in Suffering Attitude
Paul was least bothered where he was alive or dead; whatever his goal was to be with Christ. However his ambition was to have courage to exalt Christ in his life (1:20). He was confident that we are called by God not only to believe on him, but also suffer for him (1:29). He therefore desired to share in the sufferings of Christ and thus have close fellowship with God (3:10).

What shall be our attitude? Let us look to exalt Christ in our lives. One way to do so is to bravely carry on the work of God you are assigned to in spite of your hardships in life. This is not easy.

But it will yield one benefit. You will enjoy the strong Presence of Jesus Christ with you.

#5. Attitude of Humility
There is no greater example given to us than the attitude of Jesus Christ as far as humility is concerned. He gave up his exalted position and glory in heaven to become man. He humbled himself to be a servant of all. And became obedient to the death on a cross. It was a death filled with shame. Then, Jesus was hanging in mid-air both bleeding and naked; being made a public spectacle to all the world. (2:5–8).

So many of us want the crown and the glory; but are we willing to carry the cross of shame for our Lord Jesus? We are longing for the approval of our friends; don’t we? And when it comes to take a stand for Jesus Christ; we often try to please others and do not take a bold stand for Jesus. In many countries; taking a stand for Jesus can put one in prison or make one face death or other shameful treatments. Yet so many people do stand for Jesus risking their very lives.

We might not be facing such severe threats. Yet are we willing to humble ourselves before others as Jesus did? If we have that attitude of humility God will exalt us when the time comes to do so.

#6. A Joyous Attitude
In Acts 16, we find Paul and Silas in Philippi prison after they were severely beaten. And they were singing hymns to God and praying (Acts 16:25). It resulted in the salvation of many including the jailer and his family.

In Philippians, Paul still in chains is asking all to rejoice in the Lord (3:1; 4:4). In this busy world, full of care and worries, we often forget to rejoice in the Lord. It is an attitude that is asked of us by Prophet Habbakuk even when all that we have seems totally lost (Habakkuk 3:17, 18). In Nehemiah, it is written, the joy of the Lord is your strength.

So let us have a joyous attitude. It is this joy that will win people to Jesus Christ. How else could have children been attracted to Jesus Christ while he was on earth if he did not have a joyous attitude? There might be plenty of things you are worried about right now. Stop for a moment. And rejoice in the Lord. All our joy when God-centred will bring great deliverance. You will see it, know it and rejoice in it; for sure.