The Deception of Tomorrow!

One of the polished arrows in the quiver of Satan is “The Deception of Tomorrow!” This arrow strikes the bullseye time after time. So it is time to raise the shield of faith to destroy this flaming arrow of the enemy.

How many times have you yielded to sin simply when you heard a voice whispering in your mind: “Sin now. From tomorrow you can have a fresh start?”

You will be surprised to note that countless times you had lowered your defenses by this powerful suggestion. So now it is time to expose this hidden enemy.

Turn to Exodus chapter 3 and listen to God who speaks to Moses from the burning bush. God reveals His name as “I Am Who I Am.” This teaches us that He is the God of the present moment.

So there is no reason for you to postpone beginning your walk of victory for tomorrow. If you have fallen today, from the very depths of failure rise up.

Trust in the God of the present moment. He is the God who can sanctify the present moment. Do not wait for tomorrow for it never comes.

But the God of the present moment is standing beside you right now; to help you, strengthen you and plant your foot firmly on the walk of victory.

You are now hearing God speaking to you to trust Him now and not wait for tomorrow. Turn to Psalm 95 verse 7 and 8 where you are asked not to harden your hearts if you are hearing God’s voice “Today.”

So yield to God. And do not listen to the devil who wants you to believe the deception of tomorrow. Oh, trust the God of the present moment now! Then you shall win for sure!

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