Paul wrote: “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6 NIV).
There are times when the battle against sin is clouded with despair. This happens when in spite of all effort sin habitually trips us and we fall. Every earnest effort to reach out to God is defeated by a fresh outbreak of sin in our lives.
Countless number of times you decide to stop fighting against sin. Yet some force inside you says to you to go on fighting. But defeats come again and again. And you reach a point where you decide that all your efforts all these years were wasted. Wait a moment!
Look at the verse above. It talks of a timeless, unchanging truth. God does not begin anything without the intention of completing. So know that your walk with God was initiated by God Himself. And He will see that you reach the end of the road.
Every defeat you had on the way and every fightback that you made was used to bring you to understand this one fact that God will complete what He began to do in you.
Now arise from your bed of despair and walk again. This time you can be sure of victory, because you are armed with the confidence that God will complete the good work He began to do in you. Still in doubt. Read the last verse of Jude.
What does it say? It says that Jesus is able to keep you from falling. He is able to present you before God’s glorious presence without fault and with great joy.
Therefore arm yourself with confidence. For God will complete the good work He has begun to do in you!
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