We love to blame people or circumstances for the wrong we do. We do this because it is the easy way out of the situation. Sometimes we feel satisfied that there was a reason that made us sin. But is it the truth? Definitely not!
You can easily find out or make reasons that caused you to sin. But that does not in any way lessen your role in the sin you did. When you try to fix the blame on someone or something for the sin you did, your own mind is deceiving you. And this kind of deception prevents you from confessing your sin to God and receiving forgiveness.
In Genesis chapter 3, we have the story of how sin entered the world. God asked Adam whether he had eaten from the tree they were commanded not to eat from. Adam put the blame on Eve saying that it was not he but she who had given him the fruit.
When God asked Eve about her action, she said that it was not she but the serpent who had deceived her. From this incident it is clear that from the very beginning, sin has had this nature of blaming others for its sinful actions.
But such shifting of responsibility does not bring you God’s forgiveness of sins. It will only increase the burden in your soul and you will live a wretched life; a fugitive from God. So the best option is to accept responsibility before God for the sin you have done.
This will open the way for God’s healing and forgiveness to flow into your life. This is exactly what King David did when Prophet Nathan confronted him saying, “You are the man!” David then said, “I have sinned against the Lord.” And he found God’s forgiveness! (Ref. 2 Samuel 12)
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