For I am your servant (Psalm 143:12z NIV).
The servant of God belongs to God. What a blessed privilege it is to belong to God. At the same time a servant is humble. He depends on God and asks God to teach him His will.
He is also dependent on the Spirit of God. He looks to God to show him the way he should go. He also hides himself in God (Ref. also Isaiah 49:2, 3). Such are the characteristics of the servant of God.
Many times we forget what an exalted position it is to be a servant of God as described in this Psalm. Even Jesus was described by Prophet Isaiah as the Suffering Servant of the Lord. Paul writing to the Philippians tells them to have this same attitude as that of Christ Jesus “who made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant.”
And both Isaiah and Paul ends their description of the Suffering Servant with the exaltation that God gave Jesus. So a servant of God who is humble and belongs to God will eventually be exalted by God in a godly way and not in a worldly way!
In this Psalm there is definitely a great cry for help from God against enemies. The Psalmist pleads with God to hear his prayer. This is yet another attitude of the servant of the Lord. Even when it seems that his spirit fails because of the troubles surrounding him, he confidently cries out to God.
There is no thought of seeking worldly help. But he lifts up his soul to God. What a blessed lesson this is. A servant of the Lord has his hope pinned on God alone and not on any other source.
This Psalm ends on a note of reminder. David is reminding God that he is His servant. David is reminding God thus not because God needs to be reminded.
But David is pleading to God on the ground of the special relationship he has with God. Thus it is clear that a servant of the Lord enjoys a special relationship with God.
On the one hand the servant is humble before Almighty God. At the same time he is intimate with God and has the confidence to approach Him because he is God’s servant!
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