Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8 NIV).

Many people think that to please God they need to make great sacrifices. Sacrifices do have their place in practical Christianity. But thinking that God places a greater value on sacrifices than many other virtues is wrong.

And through this passage God makes it very clear that He values many other things more than sacrifices.

God requires His people to act justly. This is very important. In the present world, we find many people acting unjustly. This is because people are very selfish and not concerned about the welfare of fellow human beings.

People are willing to do anything to make sure that their place and fortune is secure. But God demands that whatever we do, we do it justly.

God requires His people to love mercy. We easily make harsh judgments on others without trying to understand the motives behind their words and actions.

We never try to look into the difficult circumstances that might have made a person act in a wrong manner. But God wants us to show mercy to people. Only then will He be merciful to us too.

God requires His people to walk humbly with Him. We cannot find a greater example of humility than that of Jesus giving up all His glory in heaven to be born into this earth as a human being; as a servant of men. Let us follow His example.

Only those who are humble can walk with God. And what a privilege it is to walk with God!

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