For I delight in Your Deliverance

For I delight in your deliverance (1 Samuel 2:1z NIV).

It is that simple. Hannah delighted in God’s deliverance. What about you?

This simple proclamation of her source of confidence and her joy in God’s deliverance comes in her prayer after God had given her the answer to her earlier prayer. Her deliverance was birthed in anguished prayer. Now she praises God in prayer.

The fact is that God’s deliverance is surrounded by an atmosphere of prayer. Prayer brings God’s deliverance into action! That is why Hannah reminded Eli the priest that it was she who had stood praying before him.

Hannah had wept and prayed because she delighted in God’s deliverance. This is a great motivation for praying. She had no other source of confidence than in her God even though “the Lord had closed her womb” (Chapter 1 verse 5).

So a delight in God’s deliverance means that one turns to God in one’s anguish asking Him to remember you and not forget you.

Again a delight in God’s deliverance helps you not to be bowed down by provocation or misunderstanding. Hannah in spite of her difficult situation because others were provoking her by pointing to her barrenness continued to pray to God.

Even the priest misunderstood her anguish in prayer thinking of her as a drunken woman. Yet God gave her assurance that her prayer was heard.

Finally, a great difficulty means a great deliverance. This was what Hannah eventually discovered. God had a purpose in closing her womb. It was to turn her to great praying.

Its result was a man of prayer being born in the form of Samuel. He himself was instrumental in great deliverances for Israel. Therefore learn to delight in God’s deliverance. It will come and bring you joy in the midst of your enemies.

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God Knows the Way; Tested as Gold

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